Starting with the reporting of emissions for Calendar Year 2021, the District’s Emission Inventory System (EIS) must be used to enter emission inventory data as described in Rule 19.3. EIS allows facilities to upload Emission Inventory Request Forms, review data requests, input data for each calendar year and view the resulting inventory online after District approval.
EIS Portal for data year 2024 will be available for reporting starting February 5, 2025.
All emission inventories requested for data year 2024 have a due
date will be April 5, 2025, with extensions allowed to May 1,
All users will need to register with the EIS portal. If you are a Responsible Official (RO) for a facility but did not previously have an account on EIS, a registration email will be sent to your email address. The registration email will contain a link to complete the registration process, once the registration process is complete, you will be able to access the EIS Portal and use the tool to upload/submit your electronic emissions inventory report. If you are an agent, registering to assist in the reporting process, an email will be issued to the facility RO(s) notifying them of your pending request.
NOTE: For ROs responsible for multiple facilities, please only
register for one of the EIDs for which you are responsible, and the
other EIDs can be added to your account through request.
Guidance Documents
– Frequently Asked Questions
Portal User's Guide
Support Contact
For assistance with EIS please use the following resources:
Example Videos
Diesel Engines:
Painting and Coating Operations:
Gasoline Dispensing Operations:
Dry Cleaning Operations:
Chemical Processing Tanks
Emission Factor Procedure based on Material Usage
Fiberglass and Reinforced Plastic Operations
Haul Roads
Mass Balance Procedure
Metal Melting and Casting Operations
Mineral Products
Painting and Surface Coating Operations
Printing and Publishing Operations