Rule Development Archive

For more information on rules under development, please see Rule Development Workshops and Future Regulatory Measures pages.

Adopted 02/13/2025

Adopted 09/12/2024
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) - effective upon EPA approval
National Emisison Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Information Update
Adopted 05/09/2024
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees
Adopted 09/19/2023
Adopted 03/09/2023
Rule 69.7-Landfill Gas Flares
Adopted 04/14/2022
Adopted 03/10/2022

Adopted 12/09/2021

Adopted 04/06/2021
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 02/26/2021
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table I)

Adopted 02/10/2021
Rule 12-Registration of Specified Equipment

Adopted 02/10/2021
Rule 61.2-Transfer of Organic Compounds into Mobile Transport Tanks

Adopted 02/10/2021
Rule 67.0.1-Architectural Coatings (Eff. 01/01/2022)

Adopted 02/10/2021
Rule 67.6.1-Cold Solvent Cleaning and Stripping Operations
Rule 67.6.2-Vapor Degreasing Operations

Adopted 12/09/2020
Rule 40-Permits and Other Fees

Adopted 09/29/2020
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables II, III)

Adopted 07/08/2020
Rule 69.2.1-Small Boilers, Process Heaters, Steam Generators, and Large Water Heaters (Eff. 07/01/2021)

Adopted 07/08/2020
Rule 69.2.2-Medium Boilers, Process Heaters, and Steam Generators (Eff. 07/01/2021)
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements (Eff. 04/01/2021)
Rule 12-Registration of Specified Equipment

Adopted 07/08/2020
Rule 69.4.1-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
Rule 69.4-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines-RACT (Repealed 07/08/2020)

Adopted 07/08/2020
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction (Discussion to approve extension to analyze a proposed amendment.)

Adopted 06/24/2020
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2020)

Adopted 01/29/2020
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble (Delegation effective upon EPA approval)

Adopted 10/30/2019
Rule 12.1-Portable Equipment Registration
Rule 12-Registration of Specified Equipment

Adopted 10/30/2019
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements

Adopted 06/26/2019
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions (Eff. 10/16/2020)
Rule 20.2-NSR-Non-Major Stationary Sources (Eff. 10/16/2020)
Rule 20.3-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and PSD Stationary Sources (Eff. 10/16/2020)
Rule 20.4-NSR-Portable Emission Units (Eff. 10/16/2020)
Rule 26.0-Banking of Emission Reduction Credits-General Requirements
Rule 1415-Permit Process-Public Notification (effective upon EPA approval)

Adopted 05/29/2019
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table I)

Adopted 04/10/2019
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2019)
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees (Eff. 07/01/2019)

Adopted 07/19/2018
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-NSR
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table II)

Adopted 04/25/2018
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2018)
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees (Eff. 07/01/2018)

Adopted 11/15/2017
Rule 1206-Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2017)
Regulation XI-Subpart M-National Standards for Asbestos Rules 361.140-361-156 (Repealed 11/15/2017)

Adopted 07/11/2017
Rule 2-Definitions (Revisions to Table 1)

Adopted 07/11/2017
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables I, II, III)

Adopted 03/15/2017
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2017)
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees (Eff. 07/01/2017)

Adopted 06/29/2016
Rule 24-Temporary Permit to Operate

Adopted 06/14/2016
Rule 2-Definitions (Revisions to Table 1)

Adopted 06/14/2016
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table III)

Adopted 05/11/2016
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements
Rule 66.1-Misc. Surface Coating Operations and Other Processes Emitting VOCs

Adopted 05/11/2016
Rule 67.12.1-Polyester Resin Operations
Rule 67.12-Polyester Resin Operations (Repealed 05/11/17)

Adopted 04/27/2016
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions (Eff. 11/05/2018)
Rule 20.2-NSR-Non-Major Stationary Sources (Eff. 11/05/2018)
Rule 20.3-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and PSD Stationary Sources (Eff. 11/05/2018)
Rule 20.4-NSR-Portable Emission Units
Rule 20.6-Standards for Permit to Operate Air Quality Analysis

Adopted 06/24/2015
Rule 69.5.1-Natural Gas-Fired Water Heater (Eff. 07/01/2016)
Rule 69.5-Natural Gas-Fired Water Heater (Repealed 07/01/2016)

Adopted 06/24/2015
Rule 67.0.1-Architectural Coatings (Eff. 01/01/2016)
R67.0-Architectural Coatings (Repealed 01/01/2016)

Adopted 06/16/2014
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables II, III)

Adopted 10/11/2013
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables II, III)

Adopted by Reference
RICE NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

       Additional information:

Adopted 06/27/2012
Rule 67.11-Wood Products Coating Operations (Eff. 06/27/2013)
Rule 67.11.1-Large Coating Operations for Wood Products (Repealed 06/27/2012)

Adopted 04/04/2012
Rule 60.1-Limiting Potential to Emit at Small Sources
Rule 60.2-Limiting Potential to Emit-Synthetic Minor Sources

Adopted 12/07/2011
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 01/01/2012)

Adopted 11/09/2011
Rule 67.16-Graphic Arts Operations (Eff. 05/09/2012)
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements (Eff. 05/09/2012)

Adopted 11/09/2011
Rule 67.4-Metal Container, Metal Closure and Metal Coil Coating Operations

Adopted by Reference
NESHAP Subpart WWWWWW-Area Source Standards for Plating and Polishing Operations

Adopted 06/30/2010
Rule 67.20.1-Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations
Rule 67.20-Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Refinishing Operations (Repealed 06/30/2011)

Adopted 02/24/2010
Rule 66.1-Misc. Surface Coating Operations and Other Processes Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds
Rule 66-Organic Solvents (Repealed 02/24/2011)

Adopted 02/24/2010
Rule 69.3.1-Stationary Gas Turbine Engines-Best Available Retrofit Control Technology

Adopted 01/14/2010
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables I, II, III)

Adopted by Reference
NESHAP Subpart HHHHHH-Paint Stripping and Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations at Area Sources

Adopted 11/04/2009
Rule 2-Definitions (Revisions to Table 1)

Adopted 06/24/2009
NSPS Subpart D-Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators
NSPS Subpart Da-Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
NSPS Subpart Db-Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units
NSPS Subpart Dc-Small Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 06/24/2009
Rule 55-Fugitive Dust Control (Eff. 12/24/2009)

Adopted 03/25/2009
Rule 69.2.1-Small Boilers, Process Heaters, and Steam Generators (Eff. 03/25/2010)

Adopted 02/25/2009
NSPS Subpart GG-Gas Turbines
NSPS Subpart KKKK-Combustion Turbines
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 08/06/2008
Rule 27.1-Federal Requirements for the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District's Alternative Mobile Source Emission Reduction Program Approved on September 8, 2000

Adopted 07/23/2008
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2008)

Adopted 05/14/2008
Rule 67.21-Adhesive Material Application Operations (Eff. 11/14/2008)

Adopted by Reference
NESHAP Subpart T-Halogenated Solvent Cleaning

Adopted by Reference
NESHAP Subpart OOOOOO-Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production and Fabrication Area Sources

Adopted 03/26/2008
Rule 61.4-Transfer of Volatile Organic Compounds into Vehicle Fuel Tanks
Rule 61.4.1-Transfer of Gasoline from Stationary Underground Storage Tanks into Vehicle Fuel Tanks

Adopted 03/24/2008
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 10/18/2007
ATCM 93115-Stationary Compression Ignition Engines

Adopted 07/25/2007
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2007)

Adopted 06/20/2007
NSPS Subpart Eb-Large Municipal Waste Combustors for Which Construction is Commenced after 09/20/94 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commented after 06/19/96
NSPS Subpart Ec-Hospital, Medical, Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction is Commenced after 06/20/96
NSPS Subpart AAAA-Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units for Which Construction is Commenced after 06/06/01
NSPS Subpart CCCC-Commercial & Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced after 11/30/99 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or after 06/01/01
NSPS Subpart EEEE-Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for  Which Construction is Commenced after 12/09/04 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or after 06/16/06
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 06/20/2007
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble
(Adoption by Reference-NSPS Subparts K, Ka, Kb)

Adopted 05/23/2007
Rule 67.6.1-Cold Solvent Cleaning and Stripping Operations
Rule 67.6.2-Vapor Degreasing Operations
Rule 67.6-Solvent Cleaning Operations (Repealed 05/23/2008)

Adopted 05/23/2007
NSPS Subpart VVV-Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates Facilities
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 04/25/2007
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements

Adopted 03/22/2007
ATCM 93116-Diesel Particulate Matter from Portable Engines Rated at 50 Horsepower and Greater (Eff. 09/12/2007)

Adopted 01/25/2007
ATCM 93109-Perchloroethylene Associated with Dry Cleaning Operations and Requirements for Manufacturers and Distributors of Perchloroethylene (Eff. 12/27/2007)

Adopted 12/07/2006
ATCM 93102-Chromium Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Facilities (Eff. 10/24/2007)

Adopted 11/01/2006
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 06/21/2006
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2006)

Adopted 03/01/2006
Rule 61.3.1-Transfer of Gasoline into Stationary Underground Storage Tanks
Rule 61.4.1-Transfer of Gasoline from Stationary Underground Storage Tanks into Vehicle Fuel Tanks

Adopted 06/22/2005
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2005)

Adopted 12/09/2004
ATCM 93102.5-Hexavalent Chromium and Nickel from Thermal Spraying (Eff. 09/30/2005)

Adopted 10/28/2004
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table I)

Adopted 06/23/2004
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2004)

Adopted 04/30/2004
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Tables I, II, III)

Adopted 02/26/2004
ATCM 93115-Stationary Compression Ignition Engines (Eff. 12/08/2004)

Adopted 02/26/2004
ATCM 93116-Diesel Particulate Matter from Portable Engines Rated at 50 Horsepower and Greater (Eff. 03/11/2005)

Adopted by Reference
NESHAP Subpart AAAA-Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Adopted 08/13/2003
Rule 60.1-Limiting Potential to Emit at Small Sources
Rule 60.2-Limiting Potential to Emit-Synthetic Minor Sources

Regulation XIV.  Title V Operating Permits:
Rule 1401-General Provisions (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Rule 1410-Permits Required (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Rule 1415-Permit Process-Public Notification (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Rule 1418-Action on Applications (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Rule 1421-Permit Conditions (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Rule 1425-Appeals and Judicial Review (Eff. 02/27/2004)
Appendix A-Insignificant Units (Eff. 02/27/2004)

Adopted 08/13/2003
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees

Adopted 07/30/2003
Rule 69.4-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines-Reasonably Available Control Technology

Adopted 04/09/2003
Rule 67.3-Metal Parts and Products Coating Operations

Adopted 09/25/2002
Rule 67.11-Wood Products Coating Operations
Rule 67.11.1-Large Coating Operations for Wood Products

Adopted 09/25/2002
Rule 101-Burning Control

Adopted 07/22/2002
ATCM 93105-Asbestos ATCM for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations

Adopted 02/25/2002
ATCM 93106-Asbestos Air Toxic Control Measure for Surfacing Applications
Rule 1204-Surfacing Applications for Serpentine Materials Containing Asbestos (Repealed 02/25/2002)

Adopted 02/21/2002
ATCM 93113-Reduce Emissions of Toxic Air Contaminants from Outdoor Residual Waste Burning

Adopted 01/14/2002
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table II)

Adopted 12/12/2001
Rule 67.0-Architectural Coatings

Adopted 10/17/2001
NSPS Subpart D-Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators for which Construction is Commenced after 08/17/71
NSPS Subpart Da-Electric Utility Steam Generating Units for which Construction is Commenced after 09/18/78
NSPS Subpart GG-Stationary Gas Turbines
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble (Eff. 05/28/2002)

Adopted 09/20/2001
ATCM 93112-Hexavalent Chromium and Cadmium from Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coatings

Adopted 07/26/2001
ATCM 93105-Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations

Adopted 06/20/2001
Rule 177-Inspection of Public Records

Adopted 06/20/2001
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2001)

Adopted 05/23/2001
Rule 60.1-Limiting Potential to Emit at Small Sources

Adopted 05/23/2001
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 05/23/2001
Regulation XIV.  Title V Operating Permits:
Rule 1401-General Provisions (Eff. 12/31/2001)
Rule 1410-Permits Required (Eff. 12/31/2001)
Rule 1415-Permit Process-Public Notification (Eff. 12/31/2001)
Appendix A-Insignificant Units (Eff. 12/31/2001)

Adopted 04/25/2001
NSPS Subpart Db-Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 03/12/2001
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction
(Revisions to Table II)

Adopted 11/15/2000
Rule 69.4-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines-Reasonable Available Control Technology
Rule 69.4.1-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines-Best Available Retrofit Control Technology

Adopted 11/15/2000
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements
Rule 12-Registration of Specified Equipment

Adopted 07/26/2000
Rule 1203-Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers and Aerators

Adopted 07/26/2000
Rule 61.2-Transfer of Organic Compounds into Mobile Transport Tanks

Adopted 07/20/2000
ATCM 93106-Surfacing Applications

Adopted 06/21/2000
Rule 25-Appeals

Adopted 06/21/2000
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/2000)
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees (Eff. 07/01/2000)

Adopted 04/27/2000
ATCM 93111-Emissions of Chlorinated Toxic Air Contaminants from Automotive Maintenance and Repair Activities

Adopted 04/12/2000
NSPS Subpart AAA-New Residential Wood Heaters

Adopted 12/15/1999
Rule 6-Minor Violations

Adopted by Reference
NSPS Subpart UUU-Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries

Adopted 07/21/1999
ATCM 93102-Hexavalent Chromium ATCM for Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations
Rule 1201-Hexavalent Chromium-Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing (Repealed 07/21/99)

Adopted 06/30/1999
Rule 2-Definitions
Rule 3-Standard Conditions (Repealed 06/30/1999)

Adopted by Reference
NSPS Subpart OOO-Non-Metallic Mineral Processing Plant
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 12/16/1998
Rule 69.3-Stationary Gas Turbine Engines-Reasonable Available Control Technology
Rule 69.3.1-Stationary Gas Turbine Engines-Best Available Retrofit Control Technology

Adopted 12/16/1998
Rule 67.21-Adhesive Material Application Operations (Eff. 06/16/1999)

Adopted 11/04/1998
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions (Eff. 12/17/1998)
Rule 20.2-NSR-Non-Major Stationary Sources (Eff. 12/17/1998)
Rule 20.3-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and PSD Stationary Sources  (Eff. 12/17/1998)
Rule 20.4-NSR-Portable Emission Units (Eff. 12/17/1998)

Adopted 11/04/1998
Rule 67.8-Dry Cleaning Facilities Using Halogenated Organic Solvent (Repealed 11/04/1998)

Adopted 06/17/1998
Rule 69.5-Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters (Eff. 01/01/1999)
Rule 69.6-Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces (Eff. 01/01/1999)

Adopted 06/17/1998
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/1998)

Adopted 06/17/1998
Rule 59.1-Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Adopted 05/21/1998
ATCM 93102-Hexavalent ATCM for Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations

Adopted 05/21/1998
ATCM 93108.5-Ethylene Oxide ATCM Part 2-Commercial Sterilizers and Aerators Using 2,000 Pounds or More of Ethylene Oxide Per 12 Consecutive Months (Eff. 01/28/1999)

Adopted 12/17/1997
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions
Rule 20.2-NSR-Non-Majory Stationary Sources
Rule 20.3-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and PSD Stationary Sources
Rule 20.4-NSR-Portable Emission Units

Adopted 12/17/1997
Rule 25-Appeals
Rule 132-Traffic Abatement Plan

Adopted 10/22/1997
Rule 25-Appeals
Rule 26.0-Banking of Emission Reductions Credits (ERCs)-General Requirements
Rule 26.1-Standards for Granting Emissions Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.2-Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.3-Reclassification of Class B Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.4-Permanency of Banked Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.5-Transfer of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.6-District Banking of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
Rule 26.7-Shutdown and Related Emission Unit
Rule 26.8-Banking of Limited Emission Reductions
Rule 26.9-Emission Reduction Credit Certificates and the Emission Reduction Credit Register
Rule 26.10-Banking for BRAC Military Base Closure or Realignment Actions

Adopted 08/13/1997
NSPS Subpart Dc-Small Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 08/13/1997
NSPS Subpart WWW-Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Regulation X-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Preamble

Adopted 01/22/1997
Rule 52-Particulate Matter
Rule 53-Specific Air Contaminants
Rule 54-Dust and Fumes

Adopted 08/13/1997
Rule 67.11-Wood Products Coating Operations

Adopted 08/13/1997
Rule 50-Visible Emissions

Adopted 06/25/1997
Rule 67.10-Kelp Processing and Bio-Polymer Manufacturing Operations

Adopted 05/21/1997
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements

Adopted 05/21/1997
Rule 12-Registration of Specified Equipment

Adopted 05/21/1997
Rule 12.1-Portable Equipment Registration

Adopted 04/30/1997
Rule 67.9-Aerospace Coating Operations

Adopted 04/30/1997
Rule 60.2-Limiting Potential to Emit-Synthetic Minor Source

Adopted 11/13/1996
Rule 67.20-Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Refinishing Operations (Eff. 08/13/1997)

Adopted 07/30/1996
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements

Adopted 06/12/1996
Rule 1200-Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review

Adopted 06/12/1996
Rule 1210-Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification & Risk Reduction

Adopted 05/15/1996
Rule 10-Permits Required

Adopted 05/15/1996
Rule 2-Definitions
Rule 19.3-Emission Information
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions
Rule 67.0-Architectural Coatings
Rule 67.1-Alternative Emission Control Plans
Rule 67.2-Dry Cleaning Equipment Using Petroleum Based Solvent
Rule 67.3-Metal Parts and Products Coating Operations
Rule 67.4-Metal Container, Metal Closure and Metal Coil Coating Operations
Rule 67.5-Paper, Film and Fabric Coating Operations
Rule 67.7-Cutback and Emulsified Asphalts
Rule 67.11-Wood Products Coating Operations
Rule 67.12-Polyester Resin Operations
Rule 67.15-Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Manufacturing Operations
Rule 67.16-Graphic Arts Operations
Rule 67.17-Storage of Materials Containing Volatile Organic Compounds
Rule 67.18-Marine Coating Operations
Rule 67.19-Coatings and Printing Inks Manufacturing Operations
Rule 67.22-Expandable Polystyrene Foam Products Manufacturing Operations
Rule 67.24-Bakery Ovens

Adopted 12/12/1995
Rule 69-Electrical Generating Steam Boilers, Replacement Units and New Units

Adopted 10/17/1995
Rule 11-Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements

Adopted 07/25/1995
Rule 67.4-Metal Container, Metal Closure and Metal Coil Coating Operations

Adopted 07/25/1995
Rule 10-Permits Required
Rule 66-Organic Solvents
Rule 97-Emergency Variance
Rule 98-Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variance
Rule 1202-Hexavalent Chromium-Cooling Towers 

Adopted 07/25/1995
Change in Procedure for Adopting California Air Toxic Control Measures (ATCM), federal National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)

Adopted 06/27/1995
Rule 67.11-Wood Products Coating Operations

Adopted 06/27/1995
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees (Eff. 07/01/1995)

Adopted 03/07/1995
Rule 1501-Conformity of General Federal Actions (Eff. 06/22/1999)
Rule 1502-Conformity of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects (Eff. 06/22/1999)

Adopted 03/07/1995
Regulation XIV-Title V Operating Permits (Eff. 03/06/1996)

Adopted 03/07/1995
Rule 67.19-Coatings and Printing Inks Manufacturing Operations
Rule 67.22-Expandable Polystyrene Foam Products Manufacturing Operations
Rule 67.24-Bakery Ovens 

Adopted 02/01/1995
NESHAP Subpart M-Asbestos

Adopted 01/25/1995
NESHAP Subpart N-Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks

Adopted 01/10/1995
Rule 61.1-Receiving and Storing Volatile Organic Compounds at Bulk Plants and Bulk Terminals

Adopted 12/13/1994
Rule 67.18-Marine Coating Operations

Adopted 12/02/1994
NESHAP Subpart T-Halogenated Solvent Cleaning

Adopted 11/29/1994
Rule 21-Permit Conditions
Rule 27-Banking of Mobile Source Emission Reduction Credits

Adopted 11/01/1994
Rule 67.3-Metal Parts & Products Coating Operations

Adopted 09/27/1994
Rule 69.4-Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

Adopted 09/27/1994
Rule 69.3-Stationary Gas Turbine Engines

Adopted 09/27/1994
Rule 69.2-Industrial & Commercial Boilers, Process Heaters & Steam Generators

Adopted 09/27/1994
Rule 67.4-Metal Container, Metal Closure & Metal Coil Coating Operations

Adopted 09/20/1994
Rule 68-Fuel-Burning Equipment-Oxides of Nitrogen

Adopted 09/20/1994
Rule 67.16-Graphic Arts Operations

Adopted 09/08/1994
NESHAP Subpart Q-Industrial Process Cooling Towers

Adopted 06/15/1994
Rule 67.10-Kelp Processing & Bio-Polymer Manufacturing Operations

Adopted 06/07/1994
Rule 67.24-Bakery Ovens

Adopted 06/07/1994
Rule 67.22-Expandable Polystyrene Foam Products Manufacturing Operations

Adopted 06/07/1994
Rule 67.19-Coatings & Printing Inks Manufacturing Operations

Adopted 05/17/1994
Rule 20.1-NSR-General Provisions
Rule 20.2-NSR-Non-Major Stationary Sources
Rule 20.3-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and PSD Stationary Sources
Rule 20.4-NSR-Portable Emissions Units
Rule 20.7-Standards for Authority to Construct-Protection of Class I Areas (Repealed 05/17/1994)
Rule 20.9-NSR-Major Stationary Sources and Provisions for Meeting the Federal Clean Air Act Requirements (Eff. upon EPA Delegation of Authority)
Rule 20.10-NSR-Portable Emission Units to be Located at Federal Major Stationary Sources (Eff. upon EPA Delegation of Authority)
Rule 60-Circumvention

Adopted 05/04/1994
ATCM 93110-Environmental Training Program for Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Operations

Adopted 04/19/1994
Rule 61.9-Separation of Organic Compounds from Water (Repealed 04/19/1994)

Adopted 01/18/1994
Regulation XIV-Title V Operating Permits

Adopted 01/18/1994
Rule 69-Electrical Generating Steam Boilers, Replacement Units and New Units

Adopted 01/18/1994
Rule 25-Appeals (Eff. 07/01/1995)
Rule 132-Traffic Abatement Plan (07/01/1995)
Rule 1301-Trip-Reduction Program for Employers with 100 or More Employees 

Adopted 11/02/1993
Rule 67.9-Aerospace Coating Operations

Adopted 10/14/1993
ATCM 93109-Emissions of Perchloroethylene from Dry Cleaning Operations

Adopted 09/21/1993
Rule 67.17-Storage of Materials Containing Volatile Organic Compounds

Adopted 09/21/1993
NSPS Subpart Db-Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units

Adopted 07/20/1993
Rule 1205-Control of Dioxins Emissions from Medical Waste Incinerators (Eff. 01/01/1994)

Adopted 04/06/1993
Rule 67.12-Polyester Resin Operations

Adopted 04/06/1993
Rule 19-Provision of Sampling and Testing Facilities
Rule 19.3-Emission Information

Adopted 01/14/1993
ATCM 93107-Emissions of Toxic Metals from Non-Ferrous Metal Melting

Adopted 11/17/1992
Rule 1204-Surfacing Applications for Serpentine Materials Containing Asbestos

Adopted 11/17/1992
Rule 11-Exemptions from Permit Requirements

Adopted 11/03/1992
NSPS Subpart A-General Provisions
NSPS Subpart EE-Surface Coating of Metal Furniture
NSPS Subpart RR-Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations
NSPS Subpart SS-Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliance
NSPS Subpart TT-Metal Coil Surface Coating

Adopted 07/28/1992
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees

Adopted 07/15/1992
NSPS Subpart Dc-Small Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units

Adopted 07/15/1992
NSPS Subpart Ea-Municipal Waste Combustors

Adopted 06/02/1992
Rule 11-Exemptions from Permit Requirements (Eff. 12/02/1992)

Adopted 11/05/1991
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees
Rule 42-Hearing Board Fees

Adopted 09/17/1991
Rule 127-Episode Criteria Levels
Rule 128-Episode Declaration
Rule 130-Episode Actions 

Adopted 07/23/1991
Rule 1203-Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers and Aerators

Adopted 07/09/1991
Rule 67.17-Storage of Materials Containing Volatile Organic Compounds

Adopted 07/09/1991
Rule 66-Organic Solvents

Adopted 05/28/1991
Rule 40-Permit and Other Fees
Rule 1202-Hexavalent Chromium-Cooling Towers

Adopted 05/28/1991
Rule 1201-Hexavalent Chromium-Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing

Adopted 05/28/1991
Rule 97-Emergency Variance
Rule 98-Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variance

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.16-Graphic Arts Operations

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.10-Kelp Processing and Bio-Polymer Manufacturing Operations

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.9-Aerospace Coating Operations

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.7-Cutback and Emulsified Asphalts

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.2-Dry Cleaning Equipment Using Petroleum-Based Solvent

Adopted 05/21/1991
Rule 67.1-Alternative Emission Control Plans