SDAPCD Toxic Air Contaminants

This page provides compliance guidance on meeting Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) emission requirements under SDAPCD Rules 1200 and 1210.

What is a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC)?

Under SDAPCD Rules 1200 and 1210, a Toxic Air Contaminant is a substance that:

  1. Is listed as a toxic substance by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) under Section 44321 of the California Health and Safety Code; and
  2. Has cancer and/or non-cancer (chronic or acute) health effect values established by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) under Section 44360 of the California Health and Safety Code.

You can find our more information about TACs from CARB and OEHHA at their webpages.

Where to find the TAC List?

The SDAPCD TAC list is available here: (PDF) (Excel).

You may also find the TACs adopted by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in CARB's Consolidated Table. This table also includes the cancer potency values and Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) that are available for use in the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program.

Stay Informed: We highly encourage signing up for OEHHA Listserv to obtain notifications on all substances that are being evaluated and considered to be adopted as TACs.

Applicability Guidelines for TACs

SDAPCD will use the following guidelines to determine which TACs may be applicable depending on the type of project.  For any questions regarding TAC requirements, please contact us at

  • Under Rule 1200, for reviewing permit applications, Rule 1200(e)(10) requires SDAPCD to consider all TACs in effect on the date action is taken on the application (ATC issuance). 
  • In the event health risk values are added or revised after the application is deemed complete, the Applicant and/or SDAPCD shall make necessary changes to the HRA.

  • When submitting a risk reduction and audit plan under Rule 1210, all TACs in effect on the date action is taken on the application (ATC issuance) must be considered.
  • In the event health risk values are added or revised after the application is deemed complete, the Applicant and/or SDAPCD shall make necessary changes to the HRA.

  • TAC emissions inventory reporting follows CARB’s Emission Inventory Criteria and Guidelines Regulation, which determines which pollutants must be reported.
  • More details can be found on the SDAPCD Emissions Inventory webpage.

  • SDAPCD prioritization scores are calculated based on its prioritization procedure.
  • If a TAC is required to be reported for that calendar year and a new health standard (Reference Exposure Level, Unit Risk Factor, and/or Cancer Potency Value) is adopted by OEHHA in the same calendar year, the new health standards will be used.

  • Health Risk Assessments under AB 2588 align with SDAPCD’s prioritization procedure to ensure compliance with updated TAC standards.