SDAPCD Governing Board Agendas and Meeting Minutes
San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
SDAPCD GOVERNING BOARD MEETING Next Session: April 10, 2025 at 2:00
p.m. Location: County Administration Center 1600
Pacific Highway, Room 302 San Diego, CA 92101
PUBLIC MEMBER APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN The application period for Governing Board Public Member
positions is now open. The deadline to submit applications is March 28, 2025, by 5:00 p.m.
The three public member positions are as follows:
Physician - One physician or public health professional who
actively practices in the San Diego region and who specializes in
the health effects of air pollution on vulnerable populations.
Environmental Justice - One environmental justice
representative who works directly with a disadvantaged community in
the region and who may live in that community and have a
demonstrated record of community leadership.
Science/Technology - One public member with a scientific or
technical background in air pollution such as an environmental
engineer, chemist, meteorologist, or air pollution specialist.
Appointments of the public members will take place, in-person, at
the April 10, 2025 San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
Governing Board meeting.
Interested individuals are encouraged to apply and are asked to
review the Governing Board Calendar to ensure there are no scheduing
conflicts and that they are able to attend the necessary