SDAPCD Governing Board

California Assembly Bill 423 (Gloria, 2019) amended State law to restructure and expand the governing board of the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District. AB 423 adds specified duties to the District and requires the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to conduct a program audit of the District.  The District's goal is to comply with AB 423 while aligning services to available resources to maintain fiscal stability.  More information on the new State requirements is provided below.

Since 1955, the 5-member County of San Diego Board of Supervisors has served as the District's governing board, known as the Air Pollution Control Board.  As of March 1, 2021, AB 423 requires the appointment of a new 11-member governing board consisting of:

  • Two County supervisors, as appointed by a majority of the Board of Supervisors, including the supervisor who serves as the District's member on the ARB. 

    • Vacant, Supervisor - District 1, San Diego County Board of Supervisors Representative.

    • Terra Lawson-Remer, Supervisor - District 3, San Diego County Board of Supervisors Representative.

  • The mayor or a city council member at-large from the City of San Diego. 

  • One city council member from each supervisorial district, as selected by the City Selection Committee representing the cities of that supervisorial district.  A city may not have more than two members on the District's governing board. 

  • Three public members appointed by a majority of the other board members at a public hearing, as follows: 

    • Anne Marie Birkbeck-Garcia - One physician or public health professional who actively practices in the San Diego region and who specializes in the health effects of air pollution on vulnerable populations. 

    • Georgette Gomez - One environmental justice representative who works directly with a disadvantaged community in the region and who may live in that community and have a demonstrated record of community leadership. 

    • Enrique Medina - One public member with a scientific or technical background in air pollution such as an environmental engineer, chemist, meteorologist, or air pollution specialist.