Permit Appeals

Permit applicants or public participants in the permit process may petition the Hearing Board for a hearing on any permit conditions and permit determinations.

What is a permit appeal and who can file one?

As provided in District Rule 25, permit appeals may be filed by either a permit applicant or an aggrieved person (see Rule 25(g)) who participated in the permitting process. “Permit” includes Authority to Construct, Permit to Operate, Temporary Authorization, renewal of a Permit to Operate with new or modified conditions, Certificate of Registration, and Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) Certificate.  

For Title V permits, please refer to Rule 1425.

When is the deadline to file a permit appeal?

What should I include in a permit appeal petition?

  • Petition for Hearing Board Action cover sheet
  • A written explanation of the grounds for the appeal. (See District Rule 25 for non-Title V permits or Rule 1425 for Title V permits.) Information provided in the petition should be clear, comprehensive, and concise. Please note that information you submit to the Hearing Board or present at the meeting becomes a public record subject to disclosure.
  • Agent’s Authorization form, if a representative (such as a consultant) will appear on your behalf at the meeting. Whoever appears should be prepared to discuss whether the permit was properly issued or denied.
  • Filing fee of $1930 to the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District at the time of filing.

Where do I file a permit appeal?

Submit the petition forms with confirmation of fee payment as soon as possible to the Clerk of the Hearing Board, via email at or in person at 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131.

Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check made payable to the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District or credit card.

Need more information?

Learn more about Hearing Board meetings, including public participation.

For Hearing Board procedural questions, please contact the Clerk of the Hearing Board by email at or by phone at (858) 688-7147. 

Compliance Division Contact

For general questions, please contact District Compliance Division by phone at (858) 586-2650 or by email at Monday through Friday from 7:00 am through 5:00 pm.