Coating processes emit air contaminants and require a permit to
operate. The District regulates the use of paints, primers, strippers,
solvents, and other materials typically found in coating operations.
The following information will assist in the completion and submittal
of an application for each coating process. Each section of the page
contains important information needed to process an
The District collects information about equipment and processes that are required to have a permit by asking for completion of application forms. These forms tell us about your operation and allow us to permit your process. It is very important that these forms are filled out completely and accurately. Errors and missing information may lead to delayed processing time and additional charges if revisions are required. Please carefully review and complete the forms. You may contact the District with any questions.
CEQA Supplemental Form: Word PDF
Coating Processes Supplemental Form Word PDF
Other required attachments:
The general and equipment specific application forms must be
submitted with each application packet.
The correct application fee, as calculated using the fee estimate form tool below, must be submitted along with your application in order for it to be accepted. Additionally, please include the completed estimate form with your application.
Note: The estimate is designed to provide a good starting point for work on most applications; however, certain situations may require specific types of review that require additional fees. The District will review your application and determine if any of these specific considerations apply and will contact you and provide an invoice if additional fees are necessary.
To determine the proper fee, complete the application fee estimate form based on the specifics of your application.
1. "Applicant Site ID/EIF ID” – For
applications at existing facility please provide the Site ID
2. “Reason for Submittal” - Identify the reason
for application submittal from the indicated options:
a. New/
Existing Unpermitted (Do not select for replacements and
b. Modification – Includes both physical
modifications of equipment and condition changes.
d. Change of Location
e. Amendment -
Used when modifying an open application
f. Additional
Identical Unit, Applying Same Time - See instructions below
g. Permit Activation
h. Permit Reactivation
i. Like
Kind Replacement – review requirements to ensure the replacement meets
the requirements specified in Rule
j. other
*If you are indicating the reason for submittal is
Like Kind Replacement, this will result in a lower fee, but please
ensure you are familiar with the requirements to qualify under this
provision as not all replacements are eligible. If you have a question
regarding applicability of this application type, please contact the
3. “Equipment Type” - Using the dropdown menu, select the equipment type that describes your equipment. Coating and Adhesive operations include a variety of fee schedules depending on the volume of coatings, VOC emissions, and types of coatings/substrates. Details are listed under Rule 40, schedule 27, and it is important that you select the correct one for your operation. If the permit will include multiple fee schedules, select the one with the highest fee. The most common type of coating operation are automotive coatings/body shops, which should select 27R.
4. “Applicant DBA” - Enter the company name/DBA of the owner/operator of the equipment
5. “Existing Site” - Select whether the location (site) is new or existing (i.e. has existing permits with the District).
6. “Affected Permit Number” - For changes to existing permits, enter the permit number. For amendments, enter the application number being amended.
7. "Estimate Date” – This is the date the form is filled out.
8. “Equipment Description” – Please enter a brief description of the equipment for which the permit is being applied for.
9. “Special Considerations” - Complete any
of the special consideration drop downs that apply
a. "Number of Units". Indicate the number of
permits you are applying for. If you are applying for multiple
identical equipment at the same time, see instructions below for using
multiple estimate sheets. Pay attention to the specific wording of the
applicable equipment type/fee schedule, since some apply based on the
number of individual application stations, but some are facility
b. "Outstanding Permit Fees." If your
permit was previously retired for non-payment, you may owe back fees.
Indicate yes in this box, and contact the District to determine what
total amount is owed. This must be paid prior to apply to reactive
your permit.
c. "Split Payment". The
District has a split payment option. This allows the application to be
paid in two installments. If you wish to request this option, indicate
yes and the total fee will be divided in two, plus an additional
processing fee is paid with the first application.
d. "HRA Fee not applicable..." District
Rule 1200 requires that an HRA be conducted for any project that
results in an increase in Toxic Air Contaminants. The estimate sheet
assumes that most applications require this fee; however, certain
applications may not increase emissions or a project may consist of
multiple applications where only one fee is required. If either of
these is the case for your application, use this box to remove the HRA
fee, but note that if this fee is required an invoice will be issued
for the additional amount.
The specific fees that must be included are determined by District Rule 40 and can include fixed fees and/or time and material (T&M) based fees. Please note that T&M based fees are estimates and can vary based on the amount of work necessary to complete the review of the application. Additionally, review of certain requirements, including Health Risk Assessments (HRA), New Source Review (NSR), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and others are also assessed on a Time & Material basis.
Note for Multiple Applications - If you are submitting multiple applications simultaneously, a single fee estimate sheet can be used if all equipment is within the same fee schedule and you are applying for multiple permits. However, note that a single application record will be created for each individual application.
If you are submitting multiple applications simultaneously and wish to take advantage of the multiple identical equipment lower fee provisions of Rule 40, complete an estimate form for the first unit, and then a separate form for the subsequent units, with the reason for submittal as “Additional Identical Unit, Applying Same Time”.
NOTE: The fees listed in this estimate are intended to be the deposit necessary to begin work on your application. In most cases, fees will be accurate; however, some fees are estimates of time & material based fees and the final fee may be more or less than the estimated amount. If additional fees are owed, you will be invoiced for these fees and if any fees are remaining after approval, these will be refunded. Work records are kept for purposes of establishing time and material based fees.
These fees may be paid by check payable to "Air Pollution Control District" or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express).
If you choose to email or fax your application and intend on paying with a credit card, ensure that you have obtained your fee estimate and have it in hand, and then after submitting the application, you must contact the District over the phone at (858)586-2600 to provide payment information.
Please note that credit card payments are assessed a transaction fee of 2.19% that is charged by the credit card provider.
The District will act on complete applications as soon as possible but at most within 180 days. The engineer assigned to your application will review it and contact you within 30 days of receipt to confirm that it is complete or request additional information. Typically permits are issued in about 60 days. More complex processes will take longer. Common reasons that applications may take longer than 60 days to evaluate include: the project is a complex project specifically at a major source, if the project requires a mandatory public notice period due to being installed within 1000 feet of a school or triggering the requirement for a air quality impact analysis (AQIA), if they do not initially pass a health risk assessment (HRA) or AQIA, if BACT is not proposed or complete BACT analysis is not submitted or for major sources if actual emission data is not included.
Ensuring your application is complete is the best way to reduce processing time. Complete emissions data is the most important factor in minimizing application processing time and iterative information requests. If you have any questions about what information is required, please contact the District using the information on the Assistance tab.
Sign up for Citizen Access to get up to date information on the status of your application.
Learn more about the permitting process and what to expect.
If a piece of equipment or a process emits more than 10 pounds per day of particulate matter (PM10), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) or oxides of sulfur (SOx), the application must include a best available control technology (BACT) analysis. Large coating operations have the potential to emit more than 10 pounds per day of VOC. Please indicate on your application if your operation will emit more than 10 pounds per day of VOC.
If you have questions or need assistance reference the BACT Guidance Document or the contact information on the assistance tab. Please review District Rules 20.1 and 20.2.
District Rule 1200 applies to any new, relocated, or modified emission unit which may increase emissions of one or more toxic air contaminant(s). The proposed project must comply with Rule 1200. Proposed equipment may require toxics best available control technology (TBACT) depending on the project. Please review District Rule 1200 for further details.
District rules address how information that is submitted to the District is managed. District Regulation IX contains District Rules 176 and 177. Please refer directly to these rules when submitting trade secret information. However, be aware that you will need to submit:
Applications submitted with incomplete material composition data due to failure to include proprietary information can significantly delay permit applications. In an effort to expedite the permit application process it is recommended that you contact the manufacturer or vendor of any proprietary materials that are used in the process and prepare the required letters as part of your application submittal.
In 1989, the California state legislature passed a law, AB 3205, designed to protect schoolchildren from hazardous air contaminants. The law, as currently written, requires the District to notify parents of schoolchildren, neighboring businesses and residents of all new or modified equipment that emits any hazardous air contaminant into the air which will be installed within 1,000 feet of a school site. The law also requires the District to consider any comments before authorizing construction. Please review your proposed location. If a school property boundary is located within 1,000 feet of the proposed emissions point, the AB3205 process will be initiated. This process requires a 30 day public comment period and the overall process will delay projects by at least six weeks.
Your coating operation may be subject to NESHAP HHHHHH if:
Please contact a District engineer to determine if NESHAP HHHHHH is applicable to your operation.
If you operate a large coating operation, you may be subject to an additional state or federal regulation.
Below are the types of coating processes that the District regulates. Several of these District rules may apply to your equipment.
Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment
Miscellaneous Surfaces (if others not applicable).
General rules that may apply to coating processes include Rules 50 and 51.
A complete listing of the District's rules can be found here.
Equipment Calculation Procedures - This page contains procedures to be used for calculating emissions from this equipment that should be submitted with each application.
Use of these calculation procedures will aid in minimizing application review time and costs. The correct emission factors should be selected from the list based on equipment. If available, manufacturer provided equipment specific emission data or source test results should be utilized before using default emission factors. Sources of all emission data used must be included as attachments to the application.
AP-42 - An alternative compilation of emission factors and calculation procedures prepared by the EPA that may be utilized by the District in some situations for some equipment types.