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Abrasive Blasting

Abrasive blasting equipment emits air contaminants including particulate matter and potentially toxic emissions. Many types of abrasive blasting equipment require a permit to operate from the District. Specific types of equipment that are exempt from permit requirements are listed in District Rule 11.

Emissions from abrasive blasting equipment can be controlled by a variety of means including using specific types of abrasive material, wet abrasive material or by enclosing the blasting operation within a temporary enclosure or permanent booth or cabinet that is vented to a dust collector. This page contains information for applying for a stationary permit for abrasive blasting. For information on registering a portable abrasive blast unit, please visit our portable registration page.

The following information will assist in the completion and submittal of an application for each abrasive blast unit. Each section of the page contains important information needed to process an application.

Application forms tell us about your operation and allow us to permit your process. Accurate and complete information decreases processing time and helps avoid additional charges for unnecessary revisions. Please carefully review and complete the following forms. Depending on the type of equipment, different supplemental forms should be used. Also listed below are required attachments that need to be submitted with the application.

General Application: Word PDF

Supplemental Forms:

Abrasive Blasting Pot/Machine not used in an enclosure Word PDF

Bulk Abrasive Storage System not associated with an enclosure Word PDF

Spent Abrasive Handling/Recycling System not associated with an enclosure Word PDF

Abrasive Blasting rooms, cabinets, and booths* Word PDF

*If your process includes abrasive blasting that is conducted in a room, cabinet, or booth, you do not need to separately complete additional supplemental forms under this section

Required Attachments:

  • Plot Plan including stack location and nearby building dimensions (only required if toxics may be emitted)
  • Control equipment specifications including filter efficiency (if applicable)

The general and equipment specific application forms must be submitted with each application packet.