San Diego Skyline

Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)

Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) emit air contaminants and require a permit to operate. The following information will assist in the completion and submittal of an application for each AST. Each section of the page contains important information needed to process an application.

The District collects information about equipment and processes that are required to have a permit by asking for completion of application forms. These forms tell us about your operation and allow us to permit your process. It is very important that these forms are filled out completely and accurately. Errors and missing information may lead to delayed processing time and additional charges if revisions are required. Please carefully review and complete the forms. You may contact the District with any questions.

General Application: Word PDF

Gas Stations Exempt From Phase I and/or Phase II Controls Or E85 Stations Exempt From Phase I Word PDF

Gas Stations with Phase I and Phase II Controls Or E85 Stations with Phase I Controls Word PDF

Toxics Form: Word PDF

The general and equipment specific application forms must be submitted with each application packet.